we are maib team
The history of MAIB includes several important events that have marked our activity and development:
At the beginning of 2024, maib launched its brand campaign "You drive. maib," followed by a new card design that reflects customers' lifestyles, with the message "Brighten up your days."
Regarding products and services for legal entities, maib introduced the first digital business card in the Republic of Moldova – the maib business card, along with the new mobile version of maib business Internet Banking, offering businesses a streamlined and innovative solution. Additionally, maib launched a new financial product – the Visa Platinum business card, designed to meet the modern needs of businesses.
For individuals, in 2024, the "Prima Casă Plus" program was launched, maib being one of the first banks to offer mortgage loans under this program. Additionally, the government's app EVO became accepted at maib branches and agencies for authenticating existing customers.
Maib has launched a new digital product for its customers: the digital RCA insurance, which can be quickly and easily purchased directly through the maibank app. We've also introduced the "Life" page within the maibank app, creating vibrant new experiences. This page integrates the maib ecosystem, giving users direct access to various products and offers. For travel enthusiasts, maib has brought a digital first to the Moldovan banking market: travel insurance available exclusively in the maibank app. Furthermore, maib is transforming financial services with a revolutionary new functionality: customers can now access their mortgage offer directly from their smartphone 24/7.
.Maib people was also highly active in 2024. They participated in the Rubicon Ultramarathon 2024, running from Chișinău to Bucharest, as well as in some of the year's most anticipated sporting events – the Euro Marathon 2024 and the Chișinău International Marathon 2024. Moreover, maib people came together to support a noble cause in the “Masa Bucuriei” campaign, organized by the Social Mission “Diaconia,” donating gifts to children in foster care centers across the country. Maib hosted a strategy review session in Amsterdam, attended by middle and top management team members.
At the national level, maib supported the "Moldova for Education" initiative by contributing to developing a comprehensive financial education program. The bank also promoted women in IT and excellence in higher education, offering five scholarships to UTM female students through the "You drive IT" program. Furthermore, maib champions sports performance by partnering with the National Team Training Center. In collaboration with AO "Hai Moldova" and partners Kaufland Moldova, Coca-Cola HBC Moldova, and Tucano Coffee, the maib team planted the "Friendship Forest".
Throughout the year, maib signed a loan agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB Global) for 50 million EUR. Additionally, the EBRD launched a guarantee program supported by the EU through a 40-million-EUR agreement with maib to support SMEs in Moldova. Together, they contributed to developing IUVAS with a 1.7 million EUR loan during Moldova Business Week 2024. Maib and DAAC Digital strengthened their partnership with the successful implementation of Cisco SDA, and maib was awarded the title of "High-Credibility Taxpayer" by the State Tax Service.
Internationally, maib supported Moldova’s participation in the Eurovision Song Contest for the third consecutive year. The maib management team attended the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Annual Meeting from May 14-16 and participated in Money 20/20 in Amsterdam, one of the largest global fintech events. Additionally, maib and Mastercard launched a partnership to advance artificial intelligence in banking.
Among other key events, we highlight the launch of “maib park” book, which showcases the beauty of the office and inspires people. In addition, maib ranked among the top 3 employers in Moldova in the "Top Employers 2024" survey, according to the undelucram.md platform.
In 2024, the bank has been the honored with a number of awards, including:
The Banker
- Market leader in all key segments: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Banking, dIgital solutions;
- Best Bank in Moldova;
- Best Bank for ESG in Moldova;
- Best Digital Bank in Moldova.
EMEA Finance
Global Finance
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Ria Money Transfer
VIP Magazin
To support its development strategy, in 2023, maib unveiled its new purpose and values: "We create simple and smart financial and lifestyle solutions that inspire people to be happier and businesses - more successful".
2023 was a dynamic year, especially for maib products and services: maib gama universal and gama premium cards became digital, making it possible to open them also in digital format in the maibank app, we launched 100% digital onboarding available for Moldovan citizens, maibpay.md web platform, local factoring for business, OnePOS, etc.
Maib signed in March a Cooperation Agreement with the Future Technologies Project, financed by USAID, Sweden and the UK, and a 20 million EUR loan agreement in May with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), representing the first tranche of the 30.8 million USD financing provided by the IFC.
The maib alto community participated in the 3 editions of the birch tree planting and biodiversity development events in the National Botanical Garden "Alexandru Ciubotaru" in Chișinău.
Maib announced the launch of maib edu, an initiative to take education to the next level, the approval and implementation of tone of voice in customer communication, and adopted the ESG strategy and set the action plan for its sustainability goals.
In September, maib inaugurated its new digital head office in Chișinau. In December, it announced changes in the bank's top management, with the transition to a new CEO to be completed by June 2024.
In 2023, maib celebrated one million cards in circulation and one million maib customers, and at the end of the year, announced the launch of the "You drive. maib" image campaign.
During 2023 maib received several international awards:
EMEA Finance: “Best Bank in Moldova”;
- ”Best Bank in Moldova”;
- ”Best SME Bank”;
- ”Best CSR Bank”;
- ”Market leader in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”;
- ”Market leader in Corporate Banking”;
- ”Market leader in Digital Solutions”;
The Banker: ”Bank of the Year";
Global Finance:
- ”Best Bank in Moldova”;
- ”Best SME Bank in Moldova".
Maib continued to transform the branches and agencies according to the new visual identity and the new operational model, implementing a simplified naming concept, but also a new dress code for the teams in the network. Maib started the agile transformation, for more flexibility, speed and quick reaction to change.
The bank is committed to modernize the mobile app and Internet Banking for Business Banking over the next 3 years. Likewise, it has implemented the SmartPOS service, which makes it possible to accept card payments on a smartphone or tablet.
During the year, the bank launched the maib junior card for children and teenagers, the card for daily payments - daily card, the freelance card, the universal and ideal solution for freelancers, as well as the digital cards maib daily digital and maib freelance digital, a premiere for the Moldovan banking market.
For premium customers, maib alto, the first premium class banking service in the Republic of Moldova, was created.
Also, in the field of payments, the bank has implemented the payment tools Apple Pay, Google Pay and Garmin Pay.
Two ecosystems were launched: CasaHUB, the first real estate ecosystem in Moldova, as well as AgricolaHUB, the platform that brings together all those who do agriculture in the Republic of Moldova.
In the education field, maib inaugurated student lab by ASEM & maib, a "banking laboratory" equipped with modern tools and applications used every day in maib branches, maib academy, a modern center for trainings and professional development, maib IT academy and continued to support Fintech related projects.
A new Chairman - Giorgi Shagidze - is elected at the head of the Bank Management Board. The Management Board, with the approval of the Bank Supervisory Board and shareholders, adopts an updated development strategy for 2021-2024 with a new mission, vision and values.
Maib in partnership with Mastercard launches the pilot project of cashless payments in public transport in the capital.
In June, maib is opening its first Mortgage Centre under the title "The best place is HOME", dedicated to clients who want to step into their own home. In 2021, the Bank celebrates its 30th anniversary - an anniversary on which maib decides to thank the company for its loyalty, trust and support by donating MDL 1 million to the Emergency Medicine Institute in the form of medical devices, the urgent need for which was also dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
On 7 October maib announced its new visual brand identity, which supports the Bank's updated strategy, mission, vision and new values. The bank also announced the decision to spell the name in lower case - maib.
On 1 November maib launches the first ecosystem dedicated to the automotive segment - www.auto.maib.md - all new cars just a click away from customers.
The 1313 Contact Centre short number is launched. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bank undertakes a series of measures to support its customers and their businesses. In partnership with Mastercard, the Bank is launching GAMA cards - a series of cards unique on the Moldovan market, offering the possibility to receive guaranteed cashback from both the Bank and its partners for daily payments in commercial and service establishments.
LiberCard, the first installment and interest-free shopping card, the Instant card, the first self-service area with POS terminals in a supermarket, are launched. The threshold of 1,000,000 VISA cards issued by MAIB is exceeded. The Bank is recertified to the Information Security Management Standard ISO 27001:2017.
The shareholding structure includes HEIM Partners Limited, which acquired 41.09% of the shares. HEIM Partners Limited is an international consortium of investors consisting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Horizon Capital and AB Invalda INVL. MAIB continues to launch new products: Lunch Card e-tickets, Easi Banking, P2P, batch payments.
To enhance its level of competitiveness and security, MAIB has strengthened its money laundering and terrorist financing prevention capabilities by implementing the most effective AML solutions. Work was carried out to automate the Back Office in order to centralize operations, exclude them from branches and optimize work with customers. Moldova Agroindbank inaugurated the first Youth Centre "MAIB Studio Avanti" where children and young people benefit from free interactive training in financial-banking education.
An extensive transformation process is launched across several business lines to increase service efficiency and quality.
The Bank is going through a rebranding process and changes its logo. Through a tender MAIB obtains the right to service territorial treasuries, customs institutions and starts to provide services to a new segment of customers - beneficiaries of social payments. The physical network is expanded to 104 branches and agencies, 214 ATMs, 3025 POS terminals, 5 non-stop self-service banking centers and 37 self-service areas. The Bank strengthens its positions, holding 26.3% share in assets, 28.7% - in loans, 27.8% - in deposits.
The partnership agreement with American Express is signed, MAIB becoming the exclusive representative in the Republic of Moldova with the right to accept and issue American Express bank cards. A new product is also launched - Bancassurance.
Serghei Cebotari is elected Chairman of the Management Board. MAIB becomes one of the largest employers in the republic with over 1500 employees.
The project "Virtual Branch" - MAIB Online, which integrated all the services offered by the Bank remotely, is launched. Moldova Agroindbank obtains membership of the European Business Association.
MAIB becomes the first bank in the Republic of Moldova to hold the international registration certificate of its trademark CB "Moldova Agroindbank" S.A., in accordance with the provisions of the Madrid Agreement concerning the international registration of marks and the Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement, recognized in 27 countries of the European Community.
MAIB becomes the first banking institution in Moldova to be certified according to the world's most recognized information security management standard - ISO 27001:2005. The certification is offered as a result of an audit conducted by SRAC, the most important management systems certification body in Romania, which is also a partner of IQNet - the largest international network of national certification bodies.
VISA and MasterCard chip cards are launched. For the first time in the banking market, the Cash-In service solution is applied, with the possibility of paying loans, current account additions and deposits via payment terminals. The telephone customer service system is developed and InfoCentru and InfoTel services are created. During this period the Bank concluded several financing agreements with the European Fund for South-East Europe, the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation and the EBRD for lending to small and medium-sized businesses. Similarly, Moldova Agroindbank has obtained the right to manage "Millennium Challenge" Fund accounts under the Compact program.
Individuals can manage deposit accounts in any Bank branch throughout the country, and as a pilot project the Internet-Banking service is launched.
EBRD and Western NIS exit the bank by selling their shares.
The bank is focusing its efforts on developing electronic networks for selling banking products. By the end of the year, MAIB comprised 92 direct points of sale for banking products and 383 electronic points of sale.
The total number of clients reaches 200 thousand individuals and legal entities. The deposit base increased by 47% compared to 2003, primarily in the retail segment, and deposits by legal entities increased by 60%.
MAIB is the first Bank in the Republic of Moldova to found a leasing company, with MAIB's Deputy Chairman Serghei Cebotari elected as its Chairman. Also in 2002, the Business Centre is created, which adopted the philosophy of individual service to corporate clients, including deposit attraction, liquidity management, foreign exchange operations, etc. Moldova Agroindbank becomes a member of the VISA International system and expands its product range based on bank cards.
The transformations continue. The subsidiary company MoldMediaCard is founded, and work is carried out to launch card payments. The General Meeting of Shareholders confirms the EBRD and Western NIS Enterprise Fund as potential foreign investors in the Bank, and a year later the financial institutions invested in its share capital, obtaining 9.8% and 9.9% of the shares respectively. Moldova Agroindbank also gets the first "Best Bank in Moldova" award from Euromoney magazine. At the same time, the Bank carries out an intense charitable activity, being an important social actor supporting the community.
On January 5 the domain and the official website www.maib.md is registered. MAIB holds a 30% share of the loan portfolio. The customer portfolio is also increasing by 10%, with 84 thousand individuals and legal entities.
Although the year is marked by the financial crisis that has shaken the CIS countries, the Bank manages to record an increase in financial ratios. The foundations were laid for the structuring of the corporate client segment, the first overnight and swap forward operations were carried out with foreign banks, and within the framework of a strategic partnership, MAIB began to collaborate with the Sudzucker concern (Germany).
MAIB becomes an active participant in the corporate investment market. In the same year the first logo was registered with the State Agency for Intellectual Property, which represented its image until 2015, when the rebranding took place.
MAIB is declared the leader in the banking system of the Republic of Moldova by the size of its regulatory capital, credit operations and total volume of settlements within the country, as well as by the volume and quality of international transactions. Within the Bank, the "Asset and Liability Management Committee" has been established.
It continued the evolution in the area of banking processes with the implementation of the daily balance sheet, the single correspondent account and electronic post, which allows settlements to be made within one banking day. The Bank was connected to the REUTER and SWIFT information systems. Moldova Agroindbank also signed its first agreement with the EBRD on the use of a USD 20 million credit line to support small and medium-sized businesses.
The Bank independently assessed the loan portfolio in accordance with international banking standards, making the first breakdowns in the risk fund in the amount of MDL 30 million.
MAIB becomes the founder of the Stock Exchange of Moldova, being mainly oriented towards agro-industrial business. MAIB widened its range of services and gradually achieved the status of a universal bank. Moldova Agroindbank also becomes a founding member of the privatization funds "Agrofond", "Dividend" and the corporation "Vininvest".
the Commercial Bank "Moldova Agroindbank" S.A. (MAIB) was founded as a result of the reorganization of the Moldovan representative office of the Agroindustrial Bank of the USSR. The Bank obtains a license to carry out banking operations, including in foreign currency.