commemorative coins

Commemorative coins about personalities, important events, treasures of nature, science and art, issued by the National Bank of Moldova, are a valuable treasure for our country, and in great demand by collectors or amateurs. Their number is relatively small usually, with unique design, execution and significance. They are presented in unique capsules and boxes, accompanied by certificates of authenticity containing the characteristics of the coin and the signature of the governor of the National Bank.

The first commemorative coin was issued by the National Bank of Moldova in 1996, 5 years after the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Moldova. The first series of coins was dedicated to the monasteries of Moldova. The series launched in 2000 consists of 20 silver coins depicting the holy places from Moldova.

The price of coins differs depending on the series, the precious metal from which they are made of (gold or silver), number of coins issued, and packaging, have numismatic value and can be used as a mean of payment.

Commemorative coins may be purchased within the available stock at licensed commercial banks, including maib branches.

You may purchase them by submitting the purchase request (free form) to the specialists within the bank's branches.

The sale price includes the bank's 3% commission and is valid until the last working day of each month.

The price of the coins is established and recalculated by the NBM on the last working day each month, according to the costs of the respective metals listed on the London Metal Exchange.        


nr. d/o Denumirea monedelor Metalul  Nominal lei
(1 buc.)
Anul emisiei Preţ stabilit de BNM      (1 buc.)    MDL  Preţ de comercializare  (1 buc.)      MDL  Soldul disponibil pentru comercializare la data 20.01.2025
  Seria: "Evenimente istorice"
1 20 de ani de la introducerea MN in RM Bancnota 200 2013 222.00 228.66 2

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