Customer guide: how to spot and avoid phone scams
During the colder months, when the government offers compensation for utility bills, there is an increase in phone scams. Fraudsters try to take advantage of people’s trust. These scammers often...
During the colder months, when the government offers compensation for utility bills, there is an increase in phone scams. Fraudsters try to take advantage of people’s trust. These scammers often...
The world of entrepreneurship can seem complex and full of unknowns, especially for those just starting. When starting a business, you’ll face many questions, decisions and responsibilities, fro...
Lately, phone scam attempts involving fake bank employees asking for confidential information under the pretext of protecting customer funds have been reported. Be informed and prepared to recognize s...
At maib, we firmly believe that financial education can be not only beneficial but also captivating for children, even from a very young age, when presented in an attractive and engaging manner. In pr...
In an interview with journalist Pavel Zingan, Daniela Zagnitco, Product Owner of Bancassurance at maib, reveals how Moldova's banking leader launched, for the first time, the option to purchase in...
Journalist Pavel Zingan in an Interview with Irina Gulca, Business Banking Product Manager at maib Irina, hello! As a product manager, you manage several business-related products. Am I right? Y...
Behind the most popular banking app in Moldova, maibank, stands a talented and passionate team – the maib digital platform team, also known as the "Digital Orchestra". However, what do...
Journalist Pavel Zingan, in an interview with Nica Obriște, Product Owner maibank payments Nica, hello. I’d like to discuss the recent developments in the maibank mobile app. Updates seem to ...
When we mention "maib park", for maib employees this location is associated with an innovative space, with many areas full of positive energy, quality time spent with colleagues and lots of ...
The new maib park headquarters offers modern and adapted working conditions for people with special needs, creating equal opportunities and possibilities for professional affirmation without any...
We are pleased to announce that the Maib Mortgage Center has opened its doors in a modern and welcoming space. The office is located near the Public Garden "Ștefan cel Mare cel Mare și Sfân...
One of the big challenges for the new maib office was finding a name that truly represented the office and the maib team's strategy, purpose and values. In short, here's what we did. We ...
The holidays are a time for generosity and hope. Now, through the maibank app, you can directly support the Animal Protection Association "Alga," an organization that has been transforming t...
In everyday life, there are moments when additional financial resources are needed to achieve various goals. The espresso consumer loan from maib is ideal for quickly and conveniently meeting your fin...
Drumul către job poate fi uneori plăcut, alteori cu ambuteiaje și stări nervoase. Fiindcă trăim într-o lume a canalelor de comunicare digitală și a flexibilității muncii, avem multiple posibilit...
Clientul maib și jurnalistul Liubomir Guțu și-a realizat visul de a avea propria casă, optând pentru un credit ipotecar oferit de maib. În acest articol, tânărul a împărtășit e...
Getting MTPL insurance has never been easier! With maibank, you can insure your car in just a few minutes, straight from your phone. No trips, no waiting – everything is at your fingertips. Here...
Am discutat cu creatorul de conținut Dumitru Ciorici și ne-a povestit despre experiența sa de a deveni client maib, direct din telefonul său prin aplicația maibank. “M-am lăsat convins și am ...
La maib angajamentul față de clienții noștri este constant, zi de zi, lună de lună lucrând pentru a optimiza procese, simplifica proceduri, pentru a crea experiențe mai bune, inspirați de necesi...
Într-o discuție cu membrii echipei maibank am reușit să aruncăm o privire în culisele inovației lor remarcabile în ceea ce privește plățile pentru servicii comunale și transferurile ...
Journalist Pavel Zingan, in an interview with Svetlana Ciceli, CEO and founder of Winkraft Business Group. I wish I had conducted this interview a month earlier to congratulate the Winkraft Busines...
Journalist Pavel Zingan in an interview with Ruslan Gorun, Director of “SD Energy Engineering Group” LLC. Although I have conducted interviews with business people for over twenty years...
Pavel Zingan in an interview with Silvia Stoica, the administrator of the “STOICA SILVIA VICTOR” Peasant Household, maib business customer. When you hear the word “sea buckthorn&r...
Pavel Zingan in an interview with Sergiu Caldari, CEO and founder of Autehton, maib business customer. Sergiu, hello! We should start the discussion by explaining to our readers what Autehton does....