Universal Agro

Scopul investiţii în procurarea:
- mecanismelor, mijloacelor de transport, tehnicii agricole, echipamentelor şi altor active legate de afacere,
- construcţia, procurarea sau reparaţia spaţiilor aferente afacerii,
- reutilarea tehnica şi implementarea tehnologiilor noi în agricultură (sistemelor de irigare prin capilare, etc.),
- finanţarea cheltuielilor capitale de formare a cirezii de baza, familiilor de albine, piscicultura (procurarea / construcţia bazinelor acvatice),
- plantarea plantaţiilor multianuale (viilor, livezilor, altele),
- tehnologii moderne şi inovative de producere, post-recoltare, procesare şi comercializare (standarde de producere privind regulamentul UE privind securitatea alimentară, seminţe de calitate înaltă, echipament şi utilaj inovativ, tehnologii moderne, producerea produselor organice ),
- contribuirea la dezvoltarea lanţului valoric (legături între producători, procesatori, exportatori),
- procurarea terenurilor agricole arabile,
- plantarea plantaţiilor multianuale şi/sau deja plantate
- finanţarea cheltuielilor pentru consolidarea terenurilor agricole prin comasare care aparţin cu drept de proprietate solicitantului de credit.
Suma: până la 80% din valoarea proiectului
- până la 60 de luni;
- până la 84 de luni pentru reînnoirea şi plantarea plantaţiilor multianuale.
Periodă de grație: până la 24 luni.
How to apply for an online loan
Fill in the online form
Coordinate all details remotely with maib. Receive the preliminary offer by email
Sign the necessary documents and take the money
To request the loan tranche or to refund the credit in advance, access the corresponding button
De credit pot beneficia producători agricoli - întreprinderi agricole cu statut de persoane fizice (GȚ, ÎI), SRL, Cooperative Agricole de Producţie, SA, Cooperative de Întreprinzător, care îşi desfăşoară activitatea în agricultură, în următoarele domenii:
- Creşterea şi întreţinerea producţiei agricole;
- Prelucrarea producţiei agricole, a cărnii, a produselor lactate proprii;
- Acordarea serviciilor în agricultură;
- Zootehnie (achiziția de animale destinate popularii fermelor, creşterea şi îngrăşarea animalelor);
- Piscicultura;
- Avicultura;
- Apicultură;
- Agroturism rural.
commission fees
Rata dobânzii și comisionale aferente se stabilesc individual la acordarea creditului în funcție de profilul tău financiar.
required documents
- Buletinul de identitate al administratorului și ale fondatorilor;
- Actele de constituire ale întreprinderii;
- Alte acte, care ar putea fi solicitate de bancă.
frequent questions
When you fill in the loan application, you can also request the pledge registration service through maib.
Registering pledge through maib can only be used complementary to pledged loan applications and cannot be used as a "separate service".
Immediately after confirming the credit request, the documents will be notarized, and on the same day, the balances will be disbursed to the company's account.
- The registration service offered by maib allows the disbursement of balances on the same day as the submission of the loan application and the application for pledge registration through maib.
- It is no longer necessary to go to the PSA (Public Services Agency) to submit the documents for registering the pledged asset.
- The price for registering the mortgage right in favour of the bank in the Real Estate Register from PSA, within one working day, is 1.100 MDL/Cadastral Number. In contrast, the commission for the service of registering the real pledge through maib is 1.000 MDL/ Cadastral number.
A power of attorney is not required to apply for the pledge registration service through maib.
There are no hidden fees for the pledge registration service through maib.
The registration of pledge through maib can only be used complementary to pledged loan applications. It cannot be used as a separate service.
The service is available in all branches of the bank in Chișinău and is in force only for cadastral numbers in Chișinău jurisdiction.
The requirements for registering the pledge through maib:
The service may only be used for cadastral numbers not already pledged or encumbered with a mortgage or not owned by third parties.
The maximum amount of loan for which the registration service can be used is MDL 3 million.
The price for the pledge registration service through maib is 1.000 MDL/Cadastral number.
The bank can register the mortgage right in the Real Estate Register, and the money will be transferred to the company's account on the same day the application is submitted.
To simplify financing businesses, we decided to take over some of their responsibilities by launching the pledge registration through maib service.
How it works:
The service implies the registration of the mortgage right in favour of the bank in the Real Estate Register, for loan applications with a pledge of up to 3,000,000 MDL. The commission for this service is 1000 MDL/Cadastral number, regardless of the value of the pledged property.
The price for the pledge registration service through maib service is 1.000 MDL/Cadastral number
- The registration service offered by maib allows the disbursement of balances on the same day as the submission of the loan application and the application for pledge registration through maib.
- It is no longer necessary to go to the PSA to submit the documents for registering the pledged asset.
- The price for registering the mortgage right in favour of the bank in the Real Estate Register from PSA, within one working day, is 1.100 MDL/Cadastral Number. In contrast, the commission for the pledge registering service through maib is 1.000 MDL/ Cadastral number.
- The pledge registration service through maib can only be used for cadastral numbers not already pledged or encumbered with a mortgage or not owned by third parties and not undergoing foreclosure proceedings.
- The maximum amount of loan for which the pledge registration service from maib can be used is 3 million MDL.
- The service is only available in addition to pledged loan applications and cannot be used separately from the loan products offered by maib
submit your online credit application
fill in the fields below
submit your online credit application
introdu codul OTP primit la numărul de telefon +373
- step 1 of 2 legal entity data and credit details
- step of 2
if you apply outside office hours, on weekends or holidays, we will contact you the next working day.