Have you taken out a loan for your business in a hurry?
At maib, you can now refinance loans taken out with other financial institutions even more simply and easily.
We are always customer-oriented and develop innovative solutions tailored to your needs.
Maib offers you refinancing for loans, at the same time, grants you an additional amount for new projects. Refinancing will reduce your interest costs and you'll get money left over for other business ideas.
Amount: loan balance, up to 1.5 mm MDL, without collateral
Term: up to 60 months, with a grace period of up to 8 months for agricultural producers
- quick approval;
- electronic signature;
- favorable interest rate;
- service in the largest, customer-oriented bank.
How to apply for an online loan
Fill in the online form
Coordinate all details remotely with maib. Receive the preliminary offer by email
Sign the necessary documents and take the money
Click on button to refund the credit in advance
If you have a credit agreement with any financial institution, we are waiting for you to maib to refinance your credit if you are:
- micro, small or medium enterprise and self-empployee from any sector of the economy, including the agricultural one;
- individual - founder with 30% share and higher in the enterprise with annual sales volume up to 3 million.
commission fees
required documents
- identity card;
- the credit agreement proposed for refinancing;
- if necessary the bank may request additional information
submit your online credit application
fill in the fields below
submit your online credit application
introdu codul OTP primit la numărul de telefon +373
- step 1 of 2 legal entity data and credit details
- step of 2
if you apply outside office hours, on weekends or holidays, we will contact you the next working day.