The success of our clients is our success.

Why to choose TOP ACCOUNT S.R.L.?

We support business from the Republic of Moldova, that's why we opt for a fair business both towards the client and towards us as a service provider. Each client is charged monthly on the basis of a price grid: "High volume of work - high price, low volume of work - low price". Your business is safe if you have a good, fair, equitable and transparent accountant  

years of professional experience in accounting and finance
customers satisfied with our services
modern branches with private parking
degree of loyalty towards our customers

our services

when you apply on the maib page, you will receive guaranteed discounts on the following services


Business consulting services

Consultancy on setting up, organization, reorganization and liquidation of the business.

Accounting services

Processing of primary documents, payroll calculation, tax submission, statistical reports as well as services for the restoration of accounting records in accordance with the current legislation.

Personnel/HR services

Preparation of the personnel labor file, change of employment contract terms and dismissal.

take the first step

apply online for consulting and support in accounting processes

  • step 1 of 2personal data
  • step 2 of 2OTP signing
we guarantee the security of the information provided when completing the online request

sign with OTP

to confirm, enter the 6-digit code received via SMS to the number +373

the request has been successfully sent and will be processed from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00.

if you apply outside office hours, on weekends or holidays, we will contact you the next working day.
thank you for choosing maib!

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