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De ce să alegi Minserv Grup?
Compania activează pe piață mai bine de 10 ani, iar determinarea și devotamentul cu care tratăm nevoile clienților se reflectă în colaborările îndelungate cu aceștia - 75% dintre parteneri sunt clienții noștri, la fel, peste un deceniu. Venim în sprijinul clienților noștri cu servicii competente în diverse domenii: comerț, import-export, procesare, agricultură, muncă prin contract, servicii, ONG-uri și altele. Echipa beneficiază de instruire continuă, fiind asigurată cu produse software de ultimă generație. Din echipă fac parte specialiști care au obținut certificatul de calificare internaţională în domeniul contabilităţii CAP (Certified Accounting Practitioner).
our services
when you apply on the maib page, you will receive guaranteed discounts on the following services
accounting services
subscription for companies consisting of: reflection of business operations, submission of reports to the competent authorities based on primary documents providedfiscal consultancy services
assistance in the development and selection of tax strategy aimed at optimising business transactions, use of company resources and tax consequencesaccounting consultancy services
advice in the selection of the cost grouping method, expensing, cost formation and revenue matching according to the Accounting Law and NPSASrecover of accounting records services
the re-establishment of accounting records with the preparation of missing documents to ensure the possibility of activating the company and adjusting the accounting methodorganisation of accounting records
development, maintenance and adjustment of the accounting and tax strategyanalysis of business potential
cost/enterprise value assessment to determine development and investment opportunitiestake the first step
apply online for consulting and support in accounting processes
- step 1 of 2personal data
- step 2 of 2OTP signing
sign with OTP
to confirm, enter the 6-digit code received via SMS to the number +373
if you apply outside office hours, on weekends or holidays, we will contact you the next working day.
thank you for choosing maib!