We do not solve problems, we prevent them!
Why choose Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners?
the advantages of working with us: efficiency, reliability, centralization, many years of market presence, we do not solve problems but prevent them using our experience and
years providing accounting outsourcing services at the highest level
clients we've helped build an accounting system from the ground up, rebuild an accounting system, and simply focus on running the business while we handle the accounting
of clients who ask us for an first consultation turn into permanent clients
successful tax inspections completed
our services
when you apply on the maib page, you will receive guaranteed discounts on the following services
accounting consulting
analysis of tax planning schemes, accounting record , preparation and submission of accounting statements and declarations15%
comprehensive audit services by licensed auditors15%
establishment of the accounting system
setting up accounting policies, organising the collection, storage and transmission of data to the fiscal authoritiestake the first step
apply online for consulting and support in accounting processes
- step 1 of 2personal data
- step 2 of 2OTP signing
sign with OTP
to confirm, enter the 6-digit code received via SMS to the number +373
the request has been successfully sent and will be processed from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00.
if you apply outside office hours, on weekends or holidays, we will contact you the next working day.
thank you for choosing maib!