GEEF (financing the Green economy)

Do you want to reduce your energy consumption and thus, reduce the energy costs associated with it?
Are you planning to increase your turnover thanks to equipment with higher productivity and reliability or improve the quality and competitiveness of the product?
Maib helps you realize your plans and offers you a new financial product that meets your needs.
Financing conditions:
- up to 300 000 EUR for pre-approved technologies included in the Green Technology Selector;
- 500 000 EUR for complex projects in the residential sector;
- 5 000 000 EUR for complex investments in the commercial and industrial sectors.
- Renovation of windows and doors;
- Thermal insulation systems;
- Thermal power plants and heat pumps;
- Electricity and cogeneration;
- Cooling systems;
- Engines and pumps;
- Processing technologies;
- Transport;
- Home appliances;
- Illumination;
- Irrigation;
- Land preparation and sowing;
- Cleaning and washing;
- Water reusing and recovering.
Selects a pre-approved technology from the EBRD Green Technology Selector, which can be funded without additional approval.
- interest may be subsidized;
- there is no need for your contribution;
- technical assistance is provided;
- reducing pollution and CO2 emissions.
The funding is provided under the EBRD Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF), in partnership with maib. The Green Climate Fund and the Turkish Ministry of Finance and Treasury co-financed the project.
How to apply for an online loan
Fill in the online form
Coordinate all details remotely with maib. Receive the preliminary offer by email
Sign the necessary documents and take the money
To request the loan tranche or to refund the credit in advance, access the corresponding button
Eligible customers:
- large and small enterprizes;
- associations of real estate owners;
- equipment and machinery suppliers.
commission fees
The interest and commission fees are set individually when granting the loan according to your financial profile.
required documents
- Identity card of the administrator and the founders;
- Enterprise formation documents;
- Other documents which the bank could request.
frequent questions
Any project whichimproves energy efficiency, water or resource use, waste management, and renewable energy sources. Projects must comply with technical and environmental standards set by the Facility and will be carefully evaluated by the GEFF team.
Up to 100% of the total investment costs, but the total investment must be less than the category loan limit.
Yes, this is possible.
No, there is no grant component. GEFF in Moldova usually offers better loan terms than the participating financial institution's funds.
Yes, but second-hand equipment must meet the minimum technical requirements of the Facility.
Yes, but with certain constraints.
Yes, GEFF supports projects that expand production capacity with certain limitations.
Yes, there are no limitations regarding the equipment's country of origin, but it must meet the minimum technical standards established by the Facility.
The Green Technologies Selector provides a list of performing technologies and materials assessed and pre-approved eligible for GEFF financial support. The list is updated regularly to include the latest technologies, materials and suppliers. Pre-approved equipment and materials meet defined minimum performance requirements and exceed current market practices, resulting in clear benefits, including environmental ones.
Access it here: https://techselector.com/moldova-ro/
submit your online credit application
fill in the fields below
submit your online credit application
introdu codul OTP primit la numărul de telefon +373
- step 1 of 2 legal entity data and credit details
- step of 2
if you apply outside office hours, on weekends or holidays, we will contact you the next working day.