Why become a real estate partner of maib?

We would like to have as partners various real estate companies in the country, because we are confident that together we will succeed in making the biggest dream of our common clients – to have their own home – come true, in advantageous conditions.
By joining our efforts we will offer each customer a pleasant experience and personalized offers, without putting their patience to the test.
In addition, the partnership with maib, the No. 1 commercial bank in the Republic of Moldova, is a sure way to grow your real estate business.
Poate încheia un contract de parteneriat oricare agenție înregistrată în Republica Moldova conform legislației în vigoare, care prestează servicii imobiliare.
Become our reliable ally and you will get:
- first-hand information regarding the new credit offers;
- a growing client portfolio;
- an increase in sales;
- a greater brand visibility;
- an individual approach to each client.
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Îți mulțumim că ai ales maib!