If you want to increase your profits by broadening your experiences and increasing customer satisfaction, join the maib liber partners’ network. Together we will build a unique system oriented entirely to the needs of our mutual customers and we will offer them the possibility of paying in equal installments of up to 12 months, without interest.
You have every reason to be a maib liber partner
Once you become our partner, you’ll have the chance to conquer a new market niche. Maib liber partnership is the best tool for sales and promotion.
As a maib liber partner, you benefit for free from a presentation page of your business on www.libercard.md and on the maibank mobile application. Here you will find more important details:
- general information about the products and services of the brand that you are selling;
- the category of activity, which your company refers to (also valid for the maibank app);
- links to your social media pages (Instagram, Facebook);
- the addresses of all your commercial points and their geolocations (also valid on maibank app);
- descriptive images of the primary business activity (trade, provision of services);
- installment payment plan for maib liber (also published on maibank app).
In social media we will promote your business and all promotional offers that you have, according to our schedule, as often as possible. In addition, using our internal communication channels, we will inform all maib liber card holders about your ongoing sales, discounts, offers, promotions. The sticker "Here you pay with maib liber", applied at the entrance or at the check-out lane, will inform your customers that they can pay in installments.
Maib liber has become a must-have banking product in customers' wallets.
It has dozens of benefits to use, such as:
CashLess, payments in installments up to 12 months, access to a network of over 5000 stores and other outlets, the chance to win valuable prizes in raffles, promotions and special offers.
Pentru a deveni partener maib liber, trebuie să îndeplinești următoarele cerințe:
- să deții un cont bancar la orice bancă comercială din Republica Moldova;
- să oferi clienților posibilitatea de a efectua tranzacții cu cardurile bancare prin intermediul POS terminalelor;
- să deții o activitate desfășurată pe bază de comerț retail sau angro și/sau prestare servicii către persoane fizice.
commission fees
Tarifele se stabilesc prin negociere cu fiecare companie.
required documents
Companiile care dețin conturi bancare și POS terminale maib nu au nevoie de a prezenta anumite acte, ci doar să semneze acordul de parteneriat.
În cazul în care ai conturi bancare și POS terminale setate de către alte bănci comerciale, trebuie să prezinți următoarele documente:
- extrasul din Registrul de stat al persoanelor juridice;
- copiile buletinelor de identitate ale administratorilor și fondatorilor cu un grad de participare mai mare de 20% în capitalul statutar al entității juridice.
devino partener maib liber
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