Mesajul maib către agricultori: Vă înțelegem grijile și vă susținem

Dear farmer,

Maib understands your concerns and supports your business so that your work can be a rich one. That is why the bank offers you funding for the seasonal work in the context of Primavara 2022 agro campaign.

You can get funding up to 70% of the previous year’s sales with fixed interest and no fees. At the same time, up to 2 000 000 lei is granted without pledge. The money is offered for up to 18 months and a grace period - up to 9 months.

Primavara 2022 agro campaign runs until May 31 and finances the procurement of inputs for seasonal agricultural activities, in particular:

  • seeds and fertilizers procurement;
  • the purchase of fuel and lubricants;
  • procurement of spare parts;
  • the payment for agricultural machinery and equipment repair services;
  • soil preparation;
  • other current purposes.

We have another good news for you! In the case of pledged credits, it is no longer necessary to go to the notary to register, modify or remove the pledge in/from the collateral Register. From now on, you can do it directly at the bank, saving you effort, time and money.

Please notice that in February, 65% of farmers who benefited from investment financing chose maib as a reliable partner.

Further information on Primavara 2022 campaign at the phone number (022) 022 428.

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