Check Your Counterparty

Check your counterparty from Ukraine is a service launched by maib and designed for companies seeking to make informed business decisions and minimize risks when collaborating with partners from Ukraine.
This service provides a detailed report containing all relevant information about counterparties collected from official sources available at the time of the request.
The report includes:
Express Analysis risk assessment related to the company, helping to quickly identify potential issues.
Registration details - legal form, registration date, address, contact information, branch information, and more.
Founder information - list of founders and participants, as well as details about the company's beneficiaries.
Tax and financial history – verification of the company’s tax and financial data to identify issues in these areas.
Sanctions list check – analysis to verify whether the company or its founders are involved in activities that violate international law or are subject to sanctions.
Court cases – information about legal proceedings in which the company is involved.
How it works:
Complete the form with the partner’s USREOU code.
Maib generates the report.
The fee is charged.
You receive the full report and a guide to the report directly by email in PDF.
Benefits for maib business customers
If you have an active business package with maib, you are entitled to free reports annually, depending on your package category. Additional reports are available at the current tariffs. The fee applies to each report separately and is charged when the report is issued. The service includes VAT.
- The service is available only for maib customers.
- The service provides recommendations and cannot replace expert opinions.
Stay informed and subscribe now!
When you request the report, you can opt to receive notifications about changes in the company's data, such as changes in legally significant actions with the company, appearance in sanctions lists, bankruptcy information, and other important events. This valuable subscription is paid separately and is available by selecting the corresponding option in the report request form.
Maib is not responsible for the use the information in the report or for the consequences of management, financial, organizational, or other decisions made by service users.
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