The Data Analytics course at maib IT academy was successfully completed

18 people accomplished a new valuable qualification for career development, discovered the IT field and developed technical skills after graduating from the Data Analytics course from the maib IT academy project.

The course was organized between October 11 and December 22, 2022, taking place twice a week. The program studies SQL, BIG DATA, PowerBi, SAP BO. Maib employees and specialists from different fields who wanted to develop a career or gain new IT knowledge attended the course. 

Within the maib IT academy, the participants were helped to develop professionally and personally through practical exercises, benefiting from the guidance and support of maib mentor Ion Moraru, Head of the Analytical Systems and Database Division in the IT Department.

Ion Moraru, Head the Analytical Systems and Database Division:

“Accepting the role of mentor/trainer in the Data Analyst course was a challenge, a challenge to pass on practical knowledge to other colleagues. The challenge’s most complicated part was teaching a lot of subject matter, practically four courses in a minimal time.”

See the impressions of the participants in the Data Analytics course

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