publication of information
information on the bank's annual general meetings of shareholders
Hot AGOA Information Communication of 19.06.2024 published on 27.06.2024
Notice on the convening of the AGM of 19.06.2024 published on 14.05.2024
Hot AGOA Information Communication of 09.11.2023 published on 14.11.2023
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 09.11.2023 published on 10.10.2023
OGMS statement from 15.06.2023 published on 20.06.2023
Notification on the convening of the OGMS from 15.06.2023 published on 12.05.2023
Information notice of the AGM of 14.12.2022 published on 23.12.2022
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 14.12.2022 published on 18.11.2022
OGMS statement from 15.06.2022 published on 22.06.2022
Notification on the convening of the OGMS from 15.06.2022 published on 11.05.2022
Notice of convening of the AGM of 22.07.2021 published on 28.12.2021
OGMS statement from 22.07.2021 published on 28.12.2021
Notification on the convening of the OGMS from 23.07.2020 published on 28.12.2021
OGMS statement from 23.07.2020 published on 28.12.2021
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 31.10.2019 published on 28.12.2021
OGMS statement from 25.04.2019 published on 28.12.2021
Notification on the convening of the OGMS from 25.04.2019 published on 28.12.2021
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 22.11.2018 published on 24.03.2022
EGMS statement from 22.11.2018 published on 24.03.2022
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 14.06.2018 published on 24.03.2022
EGMS statement from 14.06.2018 published on 24.03.2022
Notification on the convening of the OGMS from 12.04.2018 published on 24.03.2022
OGMS statement from 12.04.2018 published on 24.03.2022
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 14.02.2018 published on 24.03.2022
EGMS statement from 14.02.2018 published on 24.03.2022
EGMS statement from 23.01.2018 published on 24.03.2022
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 23.01.2018 published on 24.03.2022
EGMS statement from 26.12.2017 published on 23.03.2022
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 26.12.2017 published on 23.03.2022
Notification on the convening of the OGMS from 27.04.2017 published on 23.03.2022
OGMS statement from 28.04.2016 published on 23.03.2022
Notification on the convening of the OGMS from 28.04.2016 published on 23.03.2022
EGMS statement from 22.04.2016 published on 23.03.2022
Notification on the repeated convening of the EGMS from 22.04.2016 published on 23.03.2022
EGMS statement from 01.04.2016 published on 23.03.2022
Notification on the revocation of the EGMS from 01.04.2016 published on 23.03.2022