the third public offer program

smart and secure investments
20 000 MDL
150 000 000 MDL
20 days
3 years
the third public offer program


maib corporate bonds

Corporate bonds are financial instruments issued by maib, through which the bank attracts reimbursable monetary resources from citizens in the form of 3-year investments.

The third public offer program

The third public offering program is launched in March 2025. Under this program, the issuer will continuously, over 12 months, make cyclical placements of Corporate Bonds of 9 (nine) different classes in 10 consecutive issues of the Bonds having a subscription rate of at least 1% for each issue.


  • The issuance of corporate bonds is allowed for circulation on the secondary market of the Moldova Stock Exchange.
  • The financial means to be obtained are secured from maib’s future income.
  • The coupon is more attractive compared to other financial instruments due to the margin.
  • The coupon is paid monthly, and then at maturity, the initial investment is paid out.
  • The investor can open a maib card, free of charge, to receive the coupon.
  • They allow the diversification of the investment portfolio, thus representing an additional source of income.
  • Corporate bonds can be used as collateral for other monetary and financial instruments.
  • The issuance is conducted through a professional capital market participant.
  • Voluntary early repayment of bonds at the nominal value upon investor’s request;
  • The repayment of the investments (principal) and the payment of the coupon is confirmed by the financial statements and maib forecasts.

Corporate bonds can be contracted in any maib branch by individuals persons, residents and non-residents of the Republic of Moldova.

Before subscribing, reading the public offering prospectus is necessary to get acquainted with all the essential information.


offer program

10 issuances of 7,500 bonds each, with a total value of 1,500,000,000 MDL

term of circulation

3 years from the issuance registration date

minimum / maximum investment per issuance

  • 1 bond = 20 000 MDL
  • 7 500 bonds = 150 000 000 MDL

subscription period

20 days

the coupon rate and the periodicity of the reference rate change

  • floating - it is adjusted annually and consists of the Reference Rate + Fixed Margin established by 9 classes , where:
  • Reference rate -  weighted average interest rate on new deposits attracted in national currency total on banking sector, with maturity from 6 to 12 months, published on the official website of the NBM by the date corresponding to the launch date of an Issuance
  • Fixed margin set by classes II: (-1,0%); III: (-0,5%); IV: 0,00%; V: 0,5%; VI: 1,0%; VII: 1,5%; VIII: 2,0%; IX: 2,5%; X: 3,0%.


coupon payment frequency

monthly, on the investor's card or current account

voluntary redemption conditions

the bondholder has this right (maximum 250 bonds per issue, per person), and the redemption value of the bond will be the nominal value

contracting bonds

at any maib branch or through the Corporate Investments Department, located in Chişinău Municipality, 127, 31 august 1989 Stret, maib park, 7th floor

by phone:



Coupon rate

Coupon size calculation formula:



NV – nominal value of a bond

IRn –interest rate corresponding to period n (%)

CPn – the coupon period, the number of days in Period n for which the coupon is accrued and paid (days);

–serial number of the coupon (1,2,3,...,36)

Reference rate calculation formula

CnRn = reference rate + fixed margin set by classes


Average weighted interest rate on new deposits attracted in national currency total on the banking sector, with maturity from 6 to 12 months, published on the official website of the NBM on the date corresponding to the first day of the offer period (subscription period).


 Fixed margin set by classes: II: (-1,0%); III: (-0,5%); IV: 0,00%; V: 0,5%; VI: 1,0%; VII: 1,5%; VIII: 2,0%; IX: 2,5%; X: 3,0%.

How the coupon is paid:

reference date (T-3)     

3 business days before coupon payment date

coupon payment date (T)

monthly after the bonds issue date, with monthly periodicity

payment periodicity (T+3)

starting with the coupon payment date within a maximum of 3 working days


How does the maib corporate bonds issuance process take place


analizing the prospectus

the public offer prospectus and related information, available on

contract signing

the subscription application is submitted for the procurement of corporate bonds, and the bonds subscription contract is concluded

payment of subscribed bonds

the funds are transferred from the investor’s account to the special account of the subscribed bonds

obtaining bonds ownership

at the time of transferring the new securities (bonds) issued from the bank account to the investor's securities account, according to the list of subscribers sent by maib to the Single Central Depository

receipt of coupon and investment amount

the coupon is paid monthly for 3 years, and at maturity, the amount of the initial investment is paid

filling in the annual income tax return

according to the Fiscal Code, coupons obtained from holding bonds represent sources of taxable income


Rights and privileges granted to bondholders

  • the right to receive from maib the nominal value of the bond after the maturity period expiration and the right to withdraw the bond from the market;
  • the right to receive the related coupon in the amount and within the terms established in the prospectus;
  • the right to sell the bonds on the secondary market, following the legislation, including on the regulated market of the Moldova Stock Exchange, through accredited members
  • the right of the bondholder to request the redemption of the bonds held until the maturity date by maib (the right to voluntary redemption).

frequent questions

Corporate bonds are financial debt instruments through which maib attracts monetary resources from citizens and businesses.

The corporate bond issuer is B.C. "MAIB" S.A.

The process by which corporate bonds are purchased.

Maib does not charge certain commission fees from investors when subscribing to bonds through the primary public offering.

During the working days of the offer validity period. Subscribers will submit the application at any maib branch or at the Corporate Investments Department (mun. Chisinau, str. 31 august 1989, no. 127, maib park, et.7) and will conclude a bond subscription contract, signed between three parts, in 2 (two) copies, between the subscriber and the issuer.

The bidding process and the signing of the documents will take place at the issuer's headquarters.

Starting with January 1, 2024, according to art. 901, par. 37 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Moldova, income obtained as interest on corporate securities is taxed at 6%. As an issuer, maib will charge a tax of 6% of the interest paid for the benefit of resident individuals. Beneficiaries of the income are obliged to declare and pay the respective tax.

The risk of default on contractual obligations. The inability of the issuer to honour its commitments to the investor regarding the payment of the coupon and/or the principal (investment). In this case, the bondholder can request early redemption of the bonds.

Yes, until the registration procedure is completed. The investor ensures the availability of funds on the special payment account for the issue until the expiration date of the subscription period.

The Central Securities Depository Moldova maintains the Register of Bond Holders. The bonds are issued in dematerialized form by registering in the account.

take the first step

fill in the fields and we will contact you

we guarantee the security of the information provided when completing the online application
Solicitarea a fost expediată cu succes și va fi procesată de luni până vineri, între 9:00 - 17:00.


Within 24 hours you have the possibility to submit a single application. There is already a pending request registered on your behalf. Come back later to submit another request.

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