maib capital deposit

make a savings plan for your future
up to 2.00%
1000 MDL /100 EUR/100 USD
up to 365 days
not allowed
maib capital deposit

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interest rate branch / maibank
30 days interest branch / maibank
full period interest branch / maibank


The maib capital deposit allows you to save money for any purchase with a stable income. The deposit gives you the possibility to deposit money at any time, but without the right of early withdrawal. The interest rate is fixed and is transferred monthly to your account.

Interest rate

  • FIXED, up to 2.00% annually when opening an online deposit and on a maximum term.

The term

  • Opens for 365 days

Interest payment

  • Monthly on the card account or current account of the depositor

Minimum balance

  • 1000 MDL / 100 EUR/ 100 USD

Further deposits

  • Additional top-ups are allowed, including by making transfers from abroad ( SWIFT ) directly to the deposit account.


  • not allowed

Deposit opening

  • online in the maibank mobile app or at any maib branch

Automatic renewal

  • allowed


The fixed interest rate shall be transferred monthly to the depositor’s current or card account.


Interest rate
(deposit opened in maib branch )

Interest rate
(deposit opened through maibank)







365 days







As of 01.01.2024, following the Tax Code of the Republic of Moldova, income tax is charged on interest calculated and paid on deposits as follows:

  • 6% for resident individuals;
  • 12% for non-resident individuals.


  • On early withdrawal of the deposited amount, within the first 30 days of the deposit opening date, interest is not paid.
  • On the early withdrawal of the deposit, but 30 days after the deposit opening date, the interest shall be calculated and paid in the amount provided by the bank for the current interest-bearing accounts of individuals. Interest, which has already been paid by the bank, will be retained from the deposit amount.
  • When the deposit is opened, the depositor receives a free of charge bank card.
  • All maib deposits are guaranteed in accordance with the Law on guaranteeing deposits in banks no. 160 of June 22, 2023. More details here.
  • Additional top-ups are allowed, including by making transfers from abroad ( SWIFT ) directly to the deposit account.
  • The deposits of individuals and legal entities are guaranteed up to the coverage level of MDL 200,000. More details here.

BC ”Maib” SA is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Scheme of the Republic of Moldova.

frequent questions

The bank deposit may be opened:

  • from the maibank mobile app;
  • at any branch;

Da, dacă în cererea-contract de depozit este stipulată rata flotantă. În acest caz, banca are dreptul să diminueze sau să majoreze dobânda în mod unilateral, informând despre aceasta clientul cu cel puțin 15 zile înainte de intrarea în vigoare a deciziei. Clientul va fi informat prin afișarea anunțului în subunitățile băncii, pe pagina web a băncii (, prin intermediul SADD sau prin intermediul mijloacelor mass-media.

To access the maibank app, the customer needs a card account.

Interest shall be paid monthly, depending on the type of deposit:

  1. On the 4th day of the month;
  2. Depending on the date on which the deposit is lodged;
  3. Capitalized

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