insuring the pledge

Make sure your property is safe, despite the situations that might appear
12 months
insuring the pledge


Following the provisions of Article 729 of the Civil Code (republished in the Official Monitor no. 66-75 of 01.03.2019), the mortgager is obliged to ensure the object of the mortgage for the benefit of the mortgagee, at replacement value, against all risks of fortuitous loss or damage.
The property's insurance saves the mortgage debtor from considerable expenses when the insured risk occurs.

Insured risks:

  • fire, explosion;
  • natural calamities: lightning, storm, hurricane, tornado, flood, the appearance of groundwater, overflow, ice movements, earthquake, sleet, snow, hail, landslides;
  • external actions occurred as the result of the collision, injury, or action of animals;
  • unlawful actions of third parties: intentional theft, damage or destruction; breaking of glass, showcases as a result of unforeseen and/or deliberate acts of third parties;
  • other risks.

Insured amount: The property is insured at the replacement value of the pledged building.

Insurance period: 12 months

commission fees

Tariful se calculează în funcție de suma asigurată și se stabileşte la valoarea de înlocuire din raportul de evaluare.

required documents

  •   Identity card of the owner (the debtor);
  •  The assessment report on the insured property issued by the authorized company.

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