"Young people can achieve their dreams at home, in Moldova" - the motto that maib supported at TEDxValeaTrandafirilor - The Art of Peace

Surely, you've heard or watched the inspirational TEDx talks, where ideas are expressed passionately, and knowledge transfer becomes an form of art. Every TEDx session is a wonderful opportunity to interact with outstanding thinkers and innovators who share world-changing ideas with the audience.

Maib was delighted to support this year’s TEDxValeaTrandafirilor - The Art of Peace edition, which brought together under one roof people with stories that everyone can learn from and be inspired by: from the influence of brands on consumer behavior, to understanding human desires and frustrations, to the personal experiences of the speakers.

Teodora Dolghieru, TEDx Coordinator in the Republic of Moldova
”TEDx is about the speeches, the people who give them, and those who listen to them. This year's edition has added a proud partner to the TEDx community, whose culture conveys the same values as ours. It is maib, a leader in the Moldovan banking market and an extraordinary example of civic spirit. Thank you, on behalf of the entire TEDxValeaTrandafirilor community, for making this event possible."

We wanted maib's involvement to be valuable in every way. Hence, Svetlana Bodaci, HR Director at maib, spoke at the event about how every young person can take advantage of development opportunities at home in Moldova.

''Besides academic achievements and performance, it is essential to resonate with what we feel, with our passions, and what we need to do to be happy. It doesn't matter where you do your studies, it's about your determination to achieve your dreams, optimism and desire. Comparing the situation today with 20 years ago, I can firmly say that now, in Moldova, we have a much more advanced development potential, young people who can change things for the better and opportunities that they can take full advantage of to develop, to set great goals and achieve them." Svetlana Bodaci, HR Director at maib

As a partner of TEDxValeaTrandafirilor - The Art of Peace, maib continues to encourage initiatives that promote constructive dialogue and critical thinking. We remain committed to supporting projects and events that bring positive and lasting change to our community.

About maib
Maib is the largest bank in Moldova, accounting for 33.0% of deposits and 37.2% of loans in the banking system at the end of 2022. By actively participating in community projects, maib reaffirms its position as a responsible and dedicated member of society's needs.

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