The official results of the activity of the banks confirm: MAIB – the strongest bank

The official results of the activity of the banks on December 31, 2015 announced by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) confirm that CB “Moldova Agroindbank” SA is the strongest bank. MAIB finalized 2015 with the highest quotas for most financial indicators, including assets, credits and deposits, which demonstrates MAIB’s superior level of credibility and security.

In 2015, Moldova Agroindbank continued to increase its volume of assets, which have summed up to 18,18 billion lei at the end of the year, registering a 19% growth. The bank’s quota for this indicator has reached the maximum amount in the system – 26,3%.  

Market quotas of commercial banks by volume of assets, %, 31.12.2015:

Moreover, MAIB has expanded its credits portfolio – from 10,45 billion lei at the end of 2014 to 10,55 billion lei on December 31, 2015, the bank’s market quota for this indicator reaching 28,7%, as the bank has a healthy credits portfolio.  

Market quotas of commercial banks by volume of net credits, %, 31.12.2015:

Moldova Agroindbank registered an impressive evolution of the deposits portfolio, including deposits of natural entities. The bank attracted a significant volume of new clients and deposits. The total volume of deposits increased with 2,55 billion lei and amounted to 14,064 billion lei on December 31, 2015. Of the total volume of the bank’s deposits, those of natural entities constituted 10,603 billion lei – with a quota of 30,1% in the system, which represents a record quota for the national banking system. The increase in the number of depositors and attracted deposits is due to the situation on the banking market, but, firstly, the high credibility CB “Moldova Agroindbank” SA enjoys as a strong and secure bank.

Market quotas of commercial banks by the volume of deposits of natural entities, %, 31.12.2015:

Moldova Agroindbank finalized 2015 with absolute performance for the net income indicator, registering incomes in the amount of 378,5 million lei. CB “Moldova Agroindbank” SA is leading this category as well, having the highest quota – 26,2 % in the system.

In 2015, MAIB had an unprecedented expansion of its distribution network. The bank opened 74 new agencies, therefore, at the end of the year, Moldova Agroindbank’s network included 67 branches and 104 agencies, 226 ATMs, 3275 POS Terminals, out of which about 1000 accept contactless bank cards. The alternative network additionally includes 5 non-stop self-service centers, as well as 40 self-service areas in the bank’s branches and in Commercial Centers Grand Hall and Elat. Moldova Agroindbank will continue to make progress in promoting electronic solutions, MAIB already having the highest performing systems of remote service, including Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. 

Evolution of MAIB’s distribution network, 2008-2015:


The accomplishments of CB “Moldova Agroindbank” SA, the bank’s superior management and the entire team have been appreciated both at national and international level, as MAIB was designated as The Best Commercial Bank in Moldova in 2015 by the Global Banking & Finance Review. 


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