We are celebrating 3 years of success at the maib Mortgage Center

For 3 years, the maib team has been even closer to those who dream of having their own home. In the heart of the capital, we have a dedicated space for those looking for a house and want the purchasing process to be as quick and easy as possible. At the Mortgage Center in maib park, our experts guide you step by step so you can see yourself in a new home as soon as possible.

We are proud to celebrate these 3 years of success at the maib Mortgage Center.Over 2,100 families have found their desired homes supported by a professional team. These are over 2,100 happy stories that we are sincerely delighted about.

The maib Mortgage Center offers a complete range of services, thanks to which the path to obtaining anapartment or house has been significantly shortened. After customers choose a home, they become owners within a few days. Maib provides full support not only in obtaining a mortgage loan but also carrying aut the sale-purchase transaction.

We want every customer to feel as comfortable at the maib Mortgage Center as they do at home. We have created a welcoming space where serious discussions become much more relaxed and pleasant.

Customers enjoy professional consultations on the legal aspects of the home buying process and are helped to complete all the necessary documents.

Why take a mortgage loan from maib?

  • quick approval of the application;
  • consultation and online service, wherever you are;
  • individual approach and support in finding a home;
  • exclusive services at the maib Mortgage Center.

The maib Mortgage Center awaits you in Chișinău, near the Central Park "Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt," at 127 31 August Street, on the ground floor of maib park.

The most beautiful place is home!

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