RIA Rating: Moldova Agroindbank - the largest bank in Moldova

BC „Moldova Agroindbank” SA was included in the Top of the leaders among the commercial banks in the CIS, made by the International Agency „RIA Rating”.

By far surpassing the second bank in Moldova that follows it in the ranking, MAIB was appreciated as the largest bank in our country. The volume of assets was taken into account ($ 1.03 billion at the beginning of this year); capital increase of 8.3% and share of 17.6% in total assets per system in the country. The evolution of the assets was performed based on the data from the reports of the banking institutions, prepared according to the international reporting standards.

The professional findings, made by foreign experts based on concrete performance indices, confirm the status of leader of MAIB which holds firmly the first position in the system by volume of assets, including in the first half of this year. Thus, during that period, this index reached the volume of 14.17 billion lei (17.7% share per system), which once again attests to the fact that MAIB is the largest bank in Moldova*.

RIA Rating predicts a continuous increase in the position of the Republic of Moldova in the Top of the largest banks in the CIS, thanks to closer relations with the EU in the context of the signing of the Association Agreement and the abolition of the visa regime.

Note: The "RIA Rating" agency, created on the basis of the "RIA-Analytical" Economic Research Center, is a quality source of analytical materials on the situation of the Russian, regional and global economy, the banking environment, the corporate sector, finance.

Chart - Volume of assets of commercial banks in the first half of 2014:

*MAIB also has the highest shares of total loans and deposits in the system, which amounted to 21.2 and 17.6 percent respectively in the first half of this year.

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