Payments with the Mastercard card from maib can take you to the UEFA Champions League Final

The maib Mastercard card offers you the chance to watch the most anticipated football match directly from the stands. UEFA Champions League Final St. Petersburg will take place on May 29.

Suppose you want to participate in the promotion. In that case, it is necessary to make at least a payment of over 400 lei with the Mastercard card from maib, and you must register on the website. The promotion is organized between 14.02.200-2904.2022, and you can be among the three big winners who will receive tickets to the match for two people.

Each winner will receive two tickets to the championship final. Other facilities will be: free round-trip airfare, transfer from the airport and back, two nights accommodation (double room), transport on the match day, and special prizes from the UEFA Champions League.

And this is not all! Thirty maib customers, who will make payments with the Mastercard card, will benefit from certificates of 1000 lei each for purchases in the Adidas store. Once every two weeks, the winners will be drawn, and six certificates will be offered as a gift. The big draw for the three maib customers, who will leave for St. Petersburg, will take place on April 29.

Pay with your Mastercard card from maib, register on and increase your chances of winning.

Don't have a Mastercard card from maib yet? We suggest you open the range card and take advantage of several advantages: cashback of up to 15%, premium services, the debit card quickly turns into a credit card, etc.

How to open it? Order the gama card through the maibank mobile application or come to any maib branch with home delivery.

For more details, visit the Campaign Program or call the Contact Center at 1313.

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