Over 400 volunteers planted around 16,000 saplings! “Friendship forest” has taken root in the village of Frumușica, supported by maib

For maib, projects with a positive ecological impact have become integral to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. In 2021, we launched the “Maib Forest” initiative, which ran for three consecutive years, engaging maib employees and supported by the NGO “Hai Moldova”. Throughout these three editions, more than 11,000 trees were planted. In 2024, we decided to expand this commitment by supporting a cause that brings together companies, institutions, and people dedicated to environmental protection.

On November 16, maib, together with NGO "Hai Moldova" and its partners - Kaufland Moldova, Coca-Cola HBC Moldova and Tucano Coffee - planted the “Friendship Forest”. The new forest in the village of Frumușica, Băcioi commune, brought together more than 400 volunteers: employees of Moldova’s top companies, members of non-governmental organizations, local authorities and the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu.

Working together, volunteers planted more than 16,000 saplings, demonstrating that environmental change and responsibility start with each of us and that collaboration and teamwork make achieving increasingly ambitious and far-reaching results possible.

It is estimated that the seedlings planted will help absorb more than 580 tons of CO2 over 40 years, contributing to a healthy ecosystem for local communities.

Doina Fetco, Marketing Director at maib:

“For maib, Moldova’s green future is a priority. We are proud to contribute again to an initiative combining ecology with community involvement this year. Today, together with the maib people, our partners and President Maia Sandu, we have demonstrated that every action counts and that we can build a healthier environment for future generations together. We hope that, over time, such initiatives will inspire as many people as possible to join actions that impact the future of our country."

Nadejda Cebotari, President of NGO “Hai Moldova”;

“The maib team’s commitment to protecting the environment and social responsibility comes to life through beautiful projects that contribute to improving the quality of the nature and the lives of communities in the Republic of Moldova. We are honoured by our valuable partnership the maib team, with whom we are already marking our fourth planting season. Thank you for investing in our country’s well-being and sustainable future!”

In 2023, the Republic of Moldova initiated the “Forest Generation” program, which aims to expand and rehabilitate forested areas to combat climate change and protect the environment. As part of the campaign, citizens, public institutions, private organizations, and volunteers are mobilizing to plant saplings in numerous locations across the country.

Maib is delighted to be part of the national initiative by actively participating in planting events such as “Friendship Forest” and “Maib Forest”.

You drive. maib


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