Offer to expire soon: advantageous rate for deposits up to 6.5%

If you're considering investing in a deposit, now's the time. Shortly, on 04.07.2023, the interest rate will be revised. To take advantage of advantageous rates of up to 6.5% annually, open a deposit in MDL until July 3.

Open now a deposit through maibank and get + 0.5% interest

Of course, you can also open a deposit at the branch counter. But the maibank app is more advantageous. We encourage you to open a deposit online, and you'll enjoy 0.5% more interest.

It’s simple:

  • open maibank  
  • choose a suitable deposit,
  • sign the contract on your phone, using the unique code received by text message, and voila!

Maib is the number 1 choice when it comes to customer preferences. Because we offer maximum stability and confidence in terms of security of payments and deposits. With our deposits, you can be sure that your savings grow securely and that you benefit from the advantages of a trusted financial partner.

We offer 4 types of deposits that provide customers with maximum mobility, attractive conditions for setting up and flexibility in managing their savings. Any type of deposit can be opened in 3 currencies on demand in our country: MDL, USD or EUR.

With maib, banking is simple and easy.

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