A new maib agency in the Buicani sector of the capital: 91/1 Alba Iulia Street

We continue to support our customers in all important banking decisions, offering them, in addition to the digital solutions available anywhere and anytime, comfortable space and well-trained specialists in the offline network to help them meet their banking needs and identify the most suitable solutions.

Maib customers in the Buicani sector of the capital now have a new modern and comfortable branch with dedicated service areas – Agency no.1 of the Onisifor Ghibu maib Branch, located at 91/1 Alba Iulia Street.

For the convenience of banking operations and saving customers' precious time, the agency is organized in several zones:

Self-service area - specially designed for customers who want to quickly and independently perform various banking operations at payment terminals, including bill payment, credit repayment, account checking, cash deposit, etc., in a short time.

Transactional area - offers the possibility to carry out multiple operations at a single counter, ensuring fast service for a wide range of transactions, and saving valuable time for all customers.

The consultative area is a semi-private space to facilitate direct communication and analysis of personal or business development needs and plans. This area provides a relaxed environment, ideal for making important decisions such as mortgage, business or things alike.

With the opening of the new Agency, maib aims to create convenient banking conditions in a growing residential area. The new design of the agency reflects the bank's aim to create simple and smart financial solutions suited to lifestyles that inspire people to be happier and businesses - more successful while providing a comfortable and pleasant space where customers can enjoy personalized banking services.

About maib
Maib is the largest bank in Moldova, with both a physical and digital presence. It has 54 branches and 55 agencies, 338 ATMs and nearly 12 774 POS terminals, evenly distributed throughout the country. The bank serves about 30% of the country's population and is one of the largest employers in the republic.

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