Nomination from Commerzbank AG

BC Moldova-Agroindbank SA was recently nominated by Commerzbank AG Frankfurt, Germany, for the high quality of service of money transfer operations.

Moldova Agroindbank SA (MAIB) has reached one of the highest coefficients of 95.42% of direct payment processing, which allows the timely processing of payments to bank customers.

Commerzbank AG is one of the largest transnational financial companies in the world.

The award established by the company is awarded annually to the most successful financial institutions in the world which meet the strict criteria of quality banking. The primary selection criteria were: speed, security of transfers, and quality of services.

MAIB serves over 500,000 individual and legal clients. As of 31.12.2009, MAIB had a market share of assets -19.5%, deposits - 20%, loans - 19.5%.

For the results obtained in 2009, MAIB was also referred to as the "Best Bank" by Euromoney, Global Finance, The Banker, Finance Central Europe.

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