Helpful information, smiles, curious eyes, questions of the most unexpected and exciting – these are only a few details that characterized the visit to the maib of the 12th grade students of the "Gaudeamus" High School from Chisinau.
In the context of the World Savings Day, marked every year on October 31, maib joined the initiative of the National Bank of Moldova to organize dedicated activities, hosting students eager to learn more about the financial-banking system in the country and how to increase their level of financial education.
The first part of the visit took place in the “Constantin Tanase” Branch, where each student became familiar with the new maib operational model , discovering one by one: The fast banking operations area, the transactional area, the advisory area, the digital corner area and the premium alto area.
Ana Ababii, Director of the “Constantin Tănase” Branch:
"It is an absolute pleasure to welcome such young people: smart, curious and energetic. We have seen them most interested in the maib digital area, which is something natural, considering the degree of digitalization we have today. We want them, through the eyes of responsible citizens and future maib customers, to feel the innovative technologies we are implementing to make their lives simpler and easier.”
A training session about the banking products and services of maib followed in the premises of the Maib student lab at ASEM, where the bank trainers guided them with great precision and skill through two practical case studies on how to effectively manage their financial resources, but also how to invest them correctly.
Tatiana Medvedeva, Head of the Training and Development Department:
”Being maib means always investing in the society you live in, and financial education lessons for children, pupils, students are the inspired way by which we live social values.”
Students have been actively involved in practical exercises and have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of financial education, entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, and the desire to persevere further in this segment.
Financial education is one of the key areas in the portfolio of corporate social responsibility projects of maib.
We promote financial education to the next level!
About maib
The maib team consists of over 2400 employees, representing just over a quarter of the employees of the banking sector in the country.
At the same time, the company is among the top employment preferences of university graduates, according to the study „ Employer Branding & Graduates Career Aspiration”. Maib is considered by the graduate students of the Moldovan universities the best employer, being also the best-known employer brand from 12 companies proposed to students for their choice.