MAIB chairman awarded for building partnership bridges between business, scientific environment

The Chairman of the Management Board of CB Moldova Agroindbank, Serghei Cebotari, has been awarded a medal of the Moldovan Academy of Science (ASM), issued in a limited edition on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the first research institutes in Moldova. On 15 June, ASM hosted an official ceremony, bringing together the management of the Academy of Science and guests of honor, including laureates of this prestigious ASM distinction.

According to ASM Chairman, Gheorghe Duca, the award was conferred on Serghei Cebotari for his contribution to „building bridges between the scientific community and business environment in Moldova”.

“We are deeply grateful to Moldova Agroindbank and to the Chairman of the Management Board, Serghei Cebotari, personally, for its significant contribution to the organization of recent events occasioned by the 55th anniversary of the Moldovan Academy of Science and the 70th anniversary of the first research institutes in Moldova. These awards are presented to a limited number of people elected due to their contribution to the development of the scientific community and to their efforts to build partnership bridges between scientists and business environment,” Duca said.
For his part, Serghei Cebotari thanked the ASM leadership for such an important and prestigious award.

“First of all, I would like to congratulate once again the whole scientific community on these significant events and to thank scientists for their work and contribution to the development of science and promotion of Moldova’s image abroad, for their contribution to the social and economic development of the country,” Serghei Cebotari said.
Large-scale events on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Moldovan Academy of Science and 70th anniversary of the first research institutes in Moldova were organized last week with the support of CB Moldova Agroindbank. The Day of the Moldovan Academy of Science gathered together high state officials, ASM management, researchers, scientists, academicians, representatives of CB Moldova Agroindbank management. During an official ceremony, MAIB handed the ASM award Dumitru Ghitu to academician Ion Tighineanu, whereas young scientist Ianos Coretchi, PhD in Medicine, received a diploma for achievements in health insurance. The award came with a commemorative silver coin of the thesaurus of Moldova Agroindbank issued in 2012 and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Moldovan poet, publicist and statesman, Andrei Lupan.

Supporting research and education programs is part of the social responsibility policy of Moldova Agroindbank. Apart from financing such projects, the bank also contributes directly to the development of a knowledge-based society by launching innovative and high-technology banking products and services. 

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