"All together, at Eurovision!": The "Zdob and Zdub" Band and the Advahov Brothers are on their way to Turin

Maib supports the participation of the Republic of Moldova in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 (ESC 2022). The bank announced the partnership with the message "All together, at Eurovision!" during a press conference held today at Mediacor. The event took place just before the representatives of our country, the “Zdob and Zdub” Band and the Advahov Brothers left for Turin (Italy), where ESC 2022 will take place. The representatives of the Republic of Moldova will play in the first semifinal, on May 10, along with other 17 countries, including Ukraine. The Grand Final of the music competition will take place on May 14.

The national organizer of the contest is Teleradio-Moldova (TRM), which has been organizing Eurovision Moldova since 2005.

Vladimir Turcanu, General Manager of ”Teleradio-Moldova”:

”This year's formula for Eurovision, selected by Teleradio-Moldova and filled with content by Zdob and Zdup Band and the Advahov Brothers, is already an achievement, greeted by both Moldovan and Romanian audience, given the strong message of the lyrics. We have no doubt that our artists will have an effective performance in Turin, which will be appreciated by their local and international fans”.

Maib is sponsoring Moldova's participation in the Eurovision for the second time, and this CSR action also comes in the context of the bank's anniversary, on May 8 the bank having its 31st anniversary. Through this partnership, maib continues its supporting actions to the culture development, promote local artists and bring music fans closer to quality European music.

Giorgi Shagidze, maib CEO:

"We are proud to support this project and to contribute to the participation of the Republic of Moldova in Eurovision. We are sure that Moldova's performance in the European competition will be at the highest level. Congratulations to Zdob and Zdub and the Advahov Brothers for this original song and we wish them success in Turin!”.

The “Zdob and Zdub” Band and the Advahov Brothers will represent the Republic of Moldova at ESC 2022 with the song “Trenulețul”, which harmoniously combines rock’n’roll style and folklore. The "Zdob şi Zdub" Band participates for the third time in the international competition, after representing for the first time our country in 2005 with the song "Bunica bate doba", ranking sixth place, and in 2011 - with the song " So Lucky. ”

Roman Iagupov, lead singer of "Zdob și Zdub":

"Mutual support has become very important in these difficult times. I received hundreds of messages of support from the public to go with the song “Trenulețul” to Eurovision 2022. When I needed support, I received support from my partners. And we, the artists, want to support everyone through music, which is the universal language among all nations. Let's stay united".

The 66th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 will take place on May 10-14, 2022 in Turin. ESC 2022 will bring representatives from 41 countries to the stage.

About maib

Maib is the largest bank in Moldova, holding 31.4% of the assets of the banking sector and having a share of 34.9% of loans, as of December 31, 2021. The bank offers 26% of mortgages to Moldovan citizens, over 35 % of the population of Moldova being maib client and is among the largest employers in the country.

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