Experiences that inspire: TUM students participated in a new TechTalks maib session

In a friendly and inspiring atmosphere, about 90 students of the Technical University of Moldova (TUM) participated in the second event of the TechTalks sessions, held by maib in partnership with TUM.

The speaker in the session entitled "Overcoming the limits of success in IT" was Viktor Razhev, maib IT Director, who revealed to the students the secrets of rising in IT and explored with the young people the full potential of a career in banking.

The event brought a unique opportunity to interact and gain a special insight from an IT professional. Thus, students learned more about Viktor's journey and vision in IT and the strategies that took maib to the next level in IT.

Viktor Razhev, maib IT Director:
"Meeting with TUM students was an exciting and interesting experience. The students were curious and active, asked many questions and provided feedback. All this helped me to relax the atmosphere, present valuable details and become friends with my potential colleagues from now on."

Ana Țurcan, Dean of the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, TUM, university lecturer:
"Meetings of this kind are always popular with students. Young people prefer to be spoken to openly and for the lecturer to be professional and charismatic. The students were very interested in participating, and the proof was that they all asked questions and were also attracted by the idea of an internship at maib, where they can combine the theoretical knowledge they learn here with the practical aspects of IT".

During the TechTalk, students were curious to learn about the pleasure of doing IT at maib and what it means to be customer-centric, digital transformation, innovation in banking, the impact of emerging technologies on business, customer security, the maibank app and its new interface, the motivation always to be an explorer of new horizons and the maib internship program.

 Ileana, second-year student in Information Technology:
"I enjoyed the lesson. It was a motivational event and it was a pleasure to listen to Viktor speak passionately about IT and perspectives in the field." 

Cezar, third-year Software Engineering student:
"I liked the motivation the speaker came with. For us, future software developers, this is very important. I was impressed by Viktor's journey and I would like to go to the maib internship because the people I saw here inspired me".

Alin, second-year student in Information Technology:
"It was inspiring. I learned how to keep developing and how to keep my motivation active. It was great!".

Maib and TUM have developed a partnership to support the future of information technology and develop young generations of specialists for the country's financial and banking sectors. As part of this partnership, various events take place where maib professionals share their expertise, supporting the excellent training of specialists in the field.

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