We donate blood, we give life: maib team participated again this year in the national blood donation campaign

Heroes don't always wear capes and often have a regular work schedule with meetings and tasks to complete. But that doesn't stop them from achieving great things.

At maib, every employee has the opportunity to make a difference with a simple action that can truly save someone's life. This year, 50 colleagues participated in maib's World Blood Donor Day campaign for blood and plasma donation.

They donated for hope and continuity, for life and a new, better day. Thanks to them, we collected 26 litres and 500 millilitres of blood components, being the source of life for 176 people. They are a model to us and inspire us to do more good deeds. 

"I have been an active donor for three years, and this year I chose to donate plasma for the second time. Inspired by the kindness and values of the maib family, I decided to participate in this event full of 'social responsibility'. I want to encourage everyone to become a donor because the emotional satisfaction of feeling like a hero to someone who needs it is immense," said Vadim Gîlca, training and development specialist at maib.

Mihai Botnariuc, product manager at maib:
"It is my fifth blood donation; it is a wonderful experience every time. I feel at peace knowing I can do a good deed for someone who needs it. It has been nice and encouraging to see my friends and colleagues donating drops of life, especially those in the Active to Superlative community. The warm and friendly atmosphere created a sense of community. I am proud that in my team, year after year, such social actions are encouraged."

It's nice that we inspired some maib customers to do good deeds, who joined the blood donation campaign with love. Together we joined efforts and donated life.

About maib
Maib is the largest bank in Moldova, with a 33,0% share of deposits and 37,2% of loans in the banking system at the end of 2022. The bank is a responsible member of society, with maib employees involved every year in socially beneficial activities, including blood donation.

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