Enjoy 20% discount on Bolt Taxi trips in Romania with maib salary and social cards

There are many reasons to visit Romania. You certainly have yours.
Whether you're travelling to the airports in Bucharest or Iasi, or simply travelling around Romania pay for your Bolt flights with your maib salary and social card and enjoy a 20% discount.

Are you planning trips to beautiful places or have reservations in the mountains somewhere near Brasov?
Remember the maib offer. Don't forget your 20% discount on Bolt rides even when you go shopping in the malls of Iasi or other advantageous locations. 
The discount is available by ordering from the Bolt network's dedicated app - one of the most developed taxi networks in Romania, with cars present in all major cities in the neighbouring country.
We wish you pleasant and advantageous trips with maib and Visa.

Maib - simple and easy.

*The offer is valid within the available budget.

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