Children from the Prospera Education Hub attended a lesson in financial education in the maib

Curious to discover how a bank works and why money cannot be printed in unlimited quantities, 13 children of the Business School from the Prospera Education Hub attended a financial education lesson within the “Stefan cel Mare” branch of the maib. Diana Josan, training and Development specialist in Human resources, spoke about the functions of a bank, the authenticity of the money, and the switching from banknotes to virtual cash and cards.

Diana has been part of the bank's team for nine years, four of whom she spent making presentations about and for the maib. During this period, she has trained more than 1000 children, adolescents and employees from all over the country, telling them interactive lessons about banking, the role of money and the processes that put a country's economy in motion. Her most recent experience began with a branch trip and then captured the children's attention with the machines for counting and checking the banknotes.

Diana Josan, specialist training and Development, maib:

“As a trainer, I have been involved since 2018, during which time I had the opportunity to offer the most of my knowledge to help new employees to fit into the work process more quickly. But, in addition to training the bank team, we have organized multiple lessons with hundreds of children from various educational establishments willing to make a great trip and travel with us to the world of money.

The lessons with them are real challenges because you don't know what questions I can surprise you, and on the other hand – a maximum pleasure because I charge myself with positive energy every time. I am overwhelmed with emotion in any organized session, but as if by magic, I disappear in a few minutes when we get to know and become friends. To capture the children's attention, I try to give them the information close to their meaning. At the same time, for a practical financial education lesson, you must first know what you say and enjoy doing it”.

Small visitors also learned how money is kept in the unique bags and was excited about the possibility of having their own maib junior bank card, similar to that of their parents. And because every child likes gifts, every guest of the financial education lesson received a certificate of participation and a set of presents

Galina Alexandru, Business trainer, Prospera Business Hub:

“Someone said that a 1000-kilometer journey always starts with the first step. That is precisely why two groups of the Business School of the Prospera Business Hub made a first working visit to the maib to know the banking system “alive”. We are glad that the banks are involved in the financial education of the young generations to raise responsible children who will become adults masters of their finances.

The representatives of the maib are certainly best aware of how to develop children's skills such as curiosity, involvement and collaboration through experimental learning: From knowledge of the term foreign exchange rate, the difference between buying and selling different banknotes, secure sealing of the money bags, the history and treasury of the bank, working with machines for counting and checking banknotes, the possibility to open junior maib cards free of charge, up to matters related to monetary policy or banking operations”.

The organization of financial education lessons is a beautiful tradition within maib and one of the key components of the bank's corporate social responsibility actions. The activities aim to participate in the training of young people, making them know the basic concepts of the modern financial world, banking services and products, using state-of-the-art information technologies.

Together to the next level!

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