#we create with passion. Natalia Miron: the secret in life and dessert recipes is love and putting your heart and soul into it

The passions of maib people are both diverse and fascinating. Natalia Miron, Training and Development Specialist, Development and Internal Communication Department at maib, shares her knowledge and cooks with a unique passion for creating desserts.

Outside her training sessions at maib, Natalia takes refuge in her sweet world, where ingredients become stories, and each cake bears her unique stamp of creativity and sophistication. She proves that when talent, sweetness and personal development merge, the result is an unforgettable feast for the senses and the mind. We invite you to discover one of the maib people in this article.

Natalia, when and where did your passion for cakes come from?

Just as everyone knows, cooking is an art. The field of baking is pure art both on the taste buds and on the aesthetic level.

One of my passions is baking and everything related to desserts. This passion started in childhood, and my first cake, a "Medovik", ignited the spark of adventure.

If I had to describe the experience, it wasn't necessarily an aesthetic spectacle but the taste. Phenomenal! But, it didn't stop there, it became a solid motivation to experiment even more in the kitchen.

This was also why I chose to study Public Food Technology for 4 years. It inspired and allowed me to develop and learn more in my chosen field.

It was such a challenging time, but at the same time, so enjoyable. I got involved in various masterclasses, embraced the chef role, and even participated in junior culinary championships. It was a fantastic experience!

Who has supported you all this time?

At home, I've always been a master at cooking those "tasty delicacies", as I call them. For the most part, inspiration and encouragement come mainly from my husband, my accomplice in my gastronomic adventures, as well as my friends and colleagues who have become my supporters.

What is the most memorable cake you have created and why?

For me, every cake is a beautiful adventure. The most memorable cakes are those made for a larger number of people (30-70 people).

But I will never forget when I made a special cake for a christening party. It was beautiful and undoubtedly an unforgettable surprise for everyone at the event. The secret, however, is love and putting your heart and soul into it - two indispensable ingredients in any recipe for a wonderful result.

How do you combine working in the kitchen and as a training and development specialist at maib?

It is difficult in terms of time, but the satisfaction is huge. I am at the stage of development and dedication in both areas; there are late nights spent in the kitchen and days when I am exhausted but happy!

Are there any aspects of the cake-making process that reflected in your approach to training and development?

Yes, as a passionate baker who dedicates time and energy to making techniques and recipes perfect, I approach training and development with the same passion and determination. A dedicated attitude and constant desire to learn are essential in both areas.

In the world of cakes, unexpected challenges can be encountered, and the ability to adapt is vital. Similarly, I need to be flexible in training and development and continuously learn to adapt to changes or new requirements.

How do you balance the two domains, given that both require attention and dedication?

Managing the balance between cake making and banking requires organisation and prioritisation. It's essential to have an effective balance to keep the passion in both areas.

The work hours (Monday-Friday), first and foremost, I dedicate to my job, and for baking are the evenings and, of course, weekends in the kitchen, but sometimes I need to give up a little sleep in the morning to place the final elements to make a fabulous dessert.

Tell us, which are the 3 secret ingredients for success in the kitchen and banking?

In the culinary and banking world, success is not just a recipe but a symphony of passion, creativity and agility.

Passion in cooking and banking adds flavour and depth to experiences. Creativity is like culinary art, transforming ordinary recipes into gastronomic masterpieces or innovative training and development strategies, and adaptability always allows us to be up-to-date.

How do you use the art of cake baking to inspire creativity and collaboration in your training sessions?

The cake-making process requires meticulous attention to detail, and every ingredient and step is essential to the final result. In training and development, I pay equal importance on detail, focusing on each element to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the process and effective interaction and collaboration with others are equally essential to achieving shared goals.

If you were organising a cake workshop for your team, what recipe would you cook and why?

I would choose a Red Velvet cake! It's a sophisticated recipe with a perfect balance of taste and look, just right to impress your team. The smooth texture and vibrant colour make this cake a delicious and spectacular choice for a culinary workshop.

As decoration, I would opt for a creative and interactive style, using coloured icings and various edible ornaments such as fresh fruit, candy, chocolate chips, or even a bit more complicated: sugar paste figurines. This exciting design would encourage team members to express their creativity and enjoy decorating, allowing them to experiment and create a cake full of different colours and textures.

We invite you into the gallery to feast your eyes on Natalia's creations and, why not, encourage you to enjoy life's sweet moments.

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