Transfer pricing. What is this mechanism, and who does it impact?" is the subject of a tax seminar organised by maib

As of January 1, 2024, a new tax mechanism has been introduced into the legislative framework: transfer pricing, which is internationally referred to as the arm's length principle.

Maib organises the tax seminar "Transfer pricing. What is this mechanism and who does it target?". This event will enhance the business community's understanding of the new provisions and clarify the uncertainties.

How transfer pricing works, what companies are obliged to comply with the new mechanism, what you need to know when documenting commercial/financial transactions, what methods are required when applying the arm's length principle, and more will be discussed at the seminar on June 18:

  • affiliation - in what cases the relation between companies is defined as affiliated,
  • arm's length principle - what it requires and where it applies,
  • documentation of transactions and transfer pricing methods,
  • the transfer pricing file - when it becomes mandatory to prepare and submit it to the tax authorities,
  • confirmation and tax consequences of non-compliance with the transfer pricing mechanism.

Seminar format: in-person, free. Attendance in person will only be possible by pre-registration.

Expert: Ana Nicolaescu, CEO & founder NGA Accountancy.

When: June 18, 2024,  between 10:00 and 12:00 pm.

Where: maib park.

Register for the seminar here.

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