Beware of scammers who claim to be specialists in returning money from fraud schemes

Dear customer,

Currently, the rapid development of technology has brought many opportunities and challenges to the financial world. Unfortunately, one such challenge is also the continued growth of online fraud. One type of fraud that has gained more and more ground lately is represented by trading, brokerage and cryptocurrency schemes. To counter these schemes, scammers do not hesitate to present themselves as specialists, jurists or consultants capable of recovering the defrauded money.

Here's how scammers operate:

  • with tempting promises and convincing presentations, scammers use their apparent financial or legal expertise to lure victims of fraud schemes. In reality, not only will they not help you recover your money, but they will also take advantage of your vulnerable situation to leave you penniless.
  • contact you through various channels, such as phone, email or even messages on social networks. They will claim they have access to privileged information and can recover the defrauded money.
  • during the “recovery” process, the scammers will ask for the payment of fees and commissions for their services. These amounts will be presented as necessary to unlock the funds or initiate the refund process. 
  • they will ask for sensitive personal and banking information, such as your full name, address, bank card number or even passwords to your accounts. This information can later be used to steal your identity or access your bank accounts. 

How to protect yourself from these scams?

  • watch out for unexpected calls, messages, and offers that seem too good to be true. Scammers tend to contact you unsolicited.
  • verify the identity when you are contacted by someone claiming to be a money recovery specialist or request information about their affiliation. Also, ask for details of the company they work for, their experience in finance and verifiable references. Do not hesitate to do independent research to confirm this information.
  • keep your personal and banking data safe.

If you have become the victim of a fraud case, let us know immediately at or call Contact Center on 1313 or 112 Service.

Because we care about you,

Maib team

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