Ana Niculăeș: Limiting beliefs about money

As part of the maib edu project, we invited Respiro's psychologist Ana Niculăeș to give us more details about how limiting beliefs affect our relationship with money. We invite you to discover the information shared by Ana and work on your relationship with money.

As children, what we hear most often from our parents creates beliefs that affect us on an unconscious level. The most common beliefs are:

Money is the root of all evil: This belief suggests that money causes problems and corruption, which can lead to avoiding or rejecting financial opportunities.

Wealth is selfish: Some people believe that pursuing wealth is selfish or insensitive to others, hindering financial development.

You don't deserve to be rich: This belief may be related to lowering self-esteem or feeling powerless to achieve financial success.

Money is hard to acquire: This can lead to avoiding looking for opportunities or underestimating personal abilities to earn money.

Rich people are happier: This belief suggests that only the rich can be happy, underestimating sources of joy and satisfaction that don't necessarily involve material wealth.

You must work hard to earn money: This belief can lead to burnout and neglect of other important aspects of life, such as relationships and health.

You don't have enough education to earn money: This belief can prevent people from developing their skills and exploring opportunities that could lead to financial success.

Money is limited: This belief suggests that there is a limited amount of money in the world and that another person earning means you will earn less.

Money attracts trouble: This belief may be related to the fear that once you have money, you will have more responsibilities or attract envy and conflict.

You can't afford to invest in yourself: This belief can hinder personal and professional development, ultimately impacting earning potential.

It is essential to acknowledge these self-limiting beliefs and work to change them. Developing a healthy and positive mindset towards money can significantly impact your financial and overall life success. If you feel these beliefs negatively influence you, seek help from a therapist or counsellor specialising in personal development.

Develop a healthy relationship with money, and for more information, keep an eye on the maib edu project.

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