40 ASEM and CNC students visited maib in the context of the "Road of Money" event, organised by the NBM

Maib continues to contribute to promoting financial education for children and young people. On National Currency Day, when the Moldovan Leu celebrated its 30th anniversary, maib hosted a thematic event for the largest group of students involved in the "Road of Money" trip organised by the National Bank of Moldova. 

Thus, on November 29, 40 students from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM) and the National College of Commerce visited maib park. The students had the opportunity to take a trip to the new maib park headquarters, see the branch inside, and learn many curiosities about the financial field and the national currency. If you would also like to learn more about the journey of the national currency, check out this article: Why is the Moldovan currency called leu? Ten curiosities about the national currency, 30 years since its introduction.

Students discovered the history of maib, the evolution of money from barter to cryptocurrencies, and discussed the role of money, its importance and effective money management. At the same time, students could collaborate in teams to develop ideas to get more money. The four teams came up with investment ideas and discussed and analysed them, developing their analytical and strategic skills.

Tatiana Cojuhari, training and development specialist at maib:
"We are always willing to collaborate and have a special relationship with the NBM, which is full of significant initiatives. We have been hosting several events organised by the NBM for several years, such as "Savings Day", "Road of Money", etc. Thus, in the context of the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the national currency, we hosted two groups of first-year students. It was the first time we organised a financial education lesson for students, so we adapted the topics according to the theme and age-specific interests. We hope this initiative will also become a tradition at maib."

All activities during the visit were organised in a friendly and interactive way, encouraging young people to share ideas and opinions, ask questions and learn new things.

Cornelia Marinescu, CNC student, Finance and Banking:
"I really enjoyed this visit because the people who facilitated it made us feel very comfortable and gave us a lot of useful information that we had not heard about before. Even though we usually imagine a pretty stark institution when we think of a bank, once we got here, we understood that it's more interesting, interactive and colourful than it seems."

Vadim Crețul, AESM student, Finance and Banking:
"I liked the colourful design of maib park, the way the visit was organised and working in groups, which made us cooperate and come up with ideas. I learned curious things about money and the maib journey and generally had a good time."

Gabriela Bularga, CNC student, Finance and Banking:
"I liked the trainees' approach and the way they interacted with us. I want to thank them for the effort they put in and the gifts we received at the end of the activity."

In 2023, more than 500 pupils participated in the financial education lessons organised by maib. Find out more here: In 2023 more than 500 pupils participated in financial education lessons organised by maib

Also, in 2023, the bank launched the maib edu financial education project for all age groups.

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